The Rutland Consortium.


The Independent Virtual Voice of Civil Society in Rutland

Voluntary sector organisations meeting to discuss issues of common concern and offer mutual support powered by fibre internet    


Latest News


CPRE Rutland to host voluntary sector Forum Meeting 


Rotary in Uppingham invites CEO of Voluntary Action Rutland to address its members and calls for VAR's reinstatement as the hub of the voluntary sector at county level in Rutland  


County Council seeks to impose an elected voluntary sector structure via a study commissioned with Rutland Citizens Advice 


Rutland green spaces to feature in media interview


Danish TV to film Covid 19 experience in Rutland 


Rutland Cashless Society project featured on TV

Five more volunteer participants sought to receive free smart phone 


Rutland Voluntary Sector Covid 19 support structure circulated by national charity Locality as best practice exemplar


Rutland Lottery awards to community groups

top £4785 in 2023 

Help raise funds for your community group

Join the Rutland Lottery 


Uppingham Hopper is now supporting commmunity group ventures

Call the Hopper on 01572 495050


Rutland Consortium

Please address all correspondence to:-

The Secretary

Rutland Consortium

7 Hawthorn Drive, Uppingham RUTLAND LE15 9TA

Tel: 01572 823465 Mobile: 07710 328469
